Take a look:

It looks like zentai for me. Zentai is a fetish in which people wear skin-tight suits that cover their entire body. Pretty much all the time. Yes, it's Japanese. Don't dare to say u are surprised with that. I like rubber, but not as much to spend the whole post exploring that thing, so if u r curious u can find something here: http://www.babelgum.com/viceversus.
There are bunch of movies made about those wierdo's. Sorry, guys, nothing personal but walking in public all covered with latex is wierd for me, cannot help it. >___<
Talking about rubber and latex lovers:

U can dress up like that for Hallowing, i guess.
And look, they also have animals:

The White rabbit looks pretty cute, i dont mind to try that on. Seriously ^___^

Yeah, exactly, wtf? But the biggest WTF follows:
Honestly, i am kinda envy. I mean, those people really can spice up their lives, it's kool that they use so much things and still can have erection and keep themselves not laughing when they see somebody wear some of that stuff u have seen above. But there is another side: what if they simply cannot get excited without all these devices? Then i am not envy at all. Simple sex still can be awesome, but not for them anymore.