Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Fetish Alphabet - R - Rubber. Rubberlovers.

I can uderstand a lot of things, habits and likings, but some of its still make me goggle. And then google.
Take a look:
It's not a joke, u can order that right here: http://www.milanoo.com/ (it's not an ad, i swear, i am not paid for that, lol)

It looks like zentai for me. Zentai is a fetish in which people wear skin-tight suits that cover their entire body. Pretty much all the time. Yes, it's Japanese. Don't dare to say u are surprised with that. I like rubber, but not as much to spend the whole post exploring that thing, so if u r curious u can find something here: http://www.babelgum.com/viceversus.
There are bunch of movies made about those wierdo's. Sorry, guys, nothing personal but walking in public all covered with latex is wierd for me, cannot help it. >___<
Talking about rubber and latex lovers:
Nothing special, just looks funnier than other masks. Yet.

U can dress up like that for Hallowing, i guess.
And look, they also have animals:
The White rabbit looks pretty cute, i dont mind to try that on. Seriously ^___^

Yeah, exactly, wtf? But the biggest WTF follows:

Honestly, i am kinda envy. I mean, those people really can spice up their lives, it's kool that they use so much things and still can have erection and keep themselves not laughing when they see somebody wear some of that stuff u have seen above. But there is another side: what if they simply cannot get excited without all these devices? Then i am not envy at all. Simple sex still can be awesome, but not for them anymore.

Saturday, 28 August 2010

How to pee during a morning erection

Each man has faced with this problem – how to pee neatly during the morning boner.Here are a few positions that will help you to aim right in the hole.
Strong Arming The Lunge The Flying Wallenda
Downward Dog
The Plank The Girly Man
Leg Up
The Superman
If i remember what school thaught us right, this problem can be solved the one and the only way: u have to lose ur erection before u would be able to pee. Anyway, the pictures are funny))
Or can u pee anyway? Lol, girls dont have those troubles. Loooooooseeeers!Ha-ha!
Btw, talking about penis. I really dont mind to try one. No, i am not a pervert, but i am fuck curious to know the way it feels "from another side", or however u wanna call it. ^____^.
Now i can only imagine. But still, when i am having sex - online or in real life, doesnt matter - i am still thinking more of pleasing myself. I hope, u won't blame me for that)

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Люди с богатой фантазией, однако.

"Cотрудники одесской милиции разоблачили преступную группу лиц, организовавших весьма необычную порностудию, осуществлявшую трансляции через интернет при помощи веб-камер. Об этом редакции газеты «Доколе» сообщили в Департаменте по связям с общественностью.
В состав преступной группы входили: 38-летняя женщина, исполнявшая функции организатора, 23-летний соучастник — администратор, а также 15... кроликов, 2 морских свинки и сухопутная черепаха.
Организатор поставляла животных и размещала их на съемной квартире, которая была оборудована под веб-студию. Из этой студии велась круглосуточная трансляция интимных аспектов жизнедеятельности зверюшек. В ситуации, когда несчастные животные не проявляли признаков сексуальной страсти, бессердечная женщина подсыпала им в корм афродизиаков. От передозировки которыми, кстати, умерла одна из черепашек прямо в процессе веб-трансляции.
Администратор учил моделей работе с компьютером и общению с «клиентами» — посетителями международных зоофилических сайтов на общедоступном языке жестов и мимики. С помощью компьютерной техники и видеокамер животные «работали» в три смены по 8 часов. За смену зверюшка могла заработать около тысячи долларов США, которых, разумеется, не получала.
Сотрудники МВД долго колебались — стоит ли квалифицировать данные действия как преступные. Однако местной ячейке борцов за права животных удалось убедить сотрудников правоохранительных органов в том, что в данном случае имеет место нарушение прав животных, а также преступный сговор с целью производства и распространения порнографических видеоматериалов.
У задержанных изъяты вещественные доказательства, проведена экспертиза, подтвердившая, что распространяемая видеопродукция содержит элементы порнографии и зоофилии. По этим фактам возбуждено уголовное дело по ст. 301 (ввоз, изготовление, сбыт распространения порнографических предметов) Уголовного кодекса Украины.
Upd.: Воодушевленные успехом, защитники животных готовят судебные иски к телеканалу National Geographic, а также передачам «В Мире животных» и «Записки Натуралиста»."


Monday, 9 August 2010

Wednesday, 4 August 2010


...show me u can do it. step off a chair and fully hang by the neck from the ceiling for 10 seconds and i come in for a 30 min pvt session .

...i'm the italian boy, i have to get to london to work as a chef. if someday you'll want to write me and talk or want to come eating in my restaurant that's my mail:xxxxxxxxxxxxhoping that someday you will write me. kissesbye

...ADD ME xxxxxxxxx in Yahoo Messengerxxxxxxxxxx (use 'phone or any e-mail not gmail 1 month to live all expences paid($100000 in the bank. new garage door, flat roof over the garage leaks)3 months in my house $400000 you get 25% if sold = $100000.

...hi. i would like to have nasty crazy fun with you this is the show i would like i would like you to pee and poo inside light colored jeans,then rub ur clit as hard as you can,then fuck bottle really hard and fast in your pussy and ass,maybe some vomit as well i like crazy fun ,i spend a lot of money here on site so if your good to me i will visit you a lot i have a lot of money to spend please tell me if you will do this show for me if not i will find some one else to spend my money on.

...Hi, I love to slap your tits...HARD!! HARDER!! SLAP-SLAP with belt. make you cry. CRY-CRY. then I lick your nipples...bite them very soft....kiss down your body, down....and lick your pussy up and down. i want clamps on your pussy. I LOVE YOUR PAIN. Hard and sloww. you suck my cock deep, and I fuck your pussy slow and deep. Then i lick your ass hole, and fuck your ass good. kiss and hug, Eric.

Tips On How To Masturbate

If you're a girl:
1) Get something small if it's your first time, like a lip gloss container. Make sure it's got a rounded tip.
2) Put a little water on it.
3) Get yourself on the ground or your bed. Make sure you're comfortable.
4) Put your feet up on somthing. Make sure they are higher than your head. Spread your legs.
5) For the ultimate experience, relax first. Just lay there. Think about nothing. And DONT BE NERVOUS.
6) Slowly begin to touch your breasts. Feel them (have your eyes closed or open but if they are open make sure you're not focusing on anything)
7) Keep one hand on your breast and slowly move the other one down to your thigh. (I did not have underwear but I was wearing pants and a shirt, loose pants.) Move your hand up and down your thigh while massaging your breast.
8) With your breast hand, slowly take the lip gloss container or your object of choice. Your clit might start to get a weird feeling like you really want to touch it. DON'T.
9) Tease yourself with the object by gently rubbing the spot between your poophole and vagina. This will drive you nuts. Slowly begin to touch and massage the part right above the hole. (I suggest you know where it is before you start all this.)
10) Rub for a while. Gently, occasionally harder but not too hard yet.
11) At this point you should be aching to rub harder and just get going. Again, don't. If you do not feel this yet, continue the teasing, very gently.
12) Slowly move your fingers to the hole, don't put them in, but just finger it softly.
13) Take your object and place it near the hole and your other hand. Take your free hand off the hole and start to massage your clit harder. (That's the spot above the hole)
14) Slowly stick the object in. Gently, it shouldn't feel good yet. It might hurt a small amount going in. That means you've bumped a sensitive spot. That's not a bad thing, just angle it a little and keep going.
15) Once it's in as far as it can be without losing it to your pussy, begin slowly moving it in and out a little. Don't take it all the way out, just a little. Get faster, and faster. Start massaging your clit HARD. Go nuts. You might feel like your on the brink of an orgasm. You might have one. This feels very good.
16) Then stick it in all the way and start pushing it back and forth hitting the sides of your hole. Faster, faster. Massage clit again.
17) Repeat steps 15 and 16 as much as you want. If you take it out for longer than 30 seconds, I suggest you excite yourself again with the teasing. If you do, it will be worse. Since you have already done it, you're going to want it worse.
18) I would stop with the lip gloss for now, don't go on to something bigger. Save that for another night. You could be sore after this but you shouldn't be unless you used something large.

If you're a boy:
1)Read this.
2)Rub penis.