Do you rmember this picture? It has been sent to stars as a message to another civilizations. Well, it doesn't look so right, does it? Maybe cuz it's just a short version of this?))

Btw, im online again, if u wanna see me. Only today i couldnt go online and u will never believe why: cuz of my jaw. Once i had especially rough sex, and after that my jaw behaves its own way. No, nobody hit me, dont worry, i was in doggy style with my face down to pillows... well, looks like a coule of pushes from behind was too hard.
Anyway, i feel my jaw from time to time, but this night (and day, as well) it hurted, really. Now it's better but i suppose to call my doctor at monday anyway.
So, kids, remeber: when they talk about safe sex, they mean not condoms only. Watch out for ur jaws!