Thanks to that man i have my job now. Actually, he makes the whole webcambusiness possible. I can't wait to see that movie!
Friday, 30 July 2010
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Онлайн в паре.
Симпатичный молодой человек из Харькова (опыт работы в модельном бизнесе,
английский, начинающий в вебкамбизнесе) ищет партнёршу для совместной работы в
видеочате (разумеется, имитация). Оборудование и помещение предоставляется.
Парень юрист, так что возможные риски обговорим )Пишите в личку.
и ник соотвествующий, мистер эксплозив.
оно всерьез хочет занятся сексом с красивой девушкой, показать гениталию - и не только бесплатно, но еще и сверху плюшек прихватить.
не он первый, кстати. в последнее время каждый десятый, если не чаще, предлагает составить пару на камере.
приглашать на свидания и все такое уже не модно, видимо.
плюс, они забывают обидное правило вебкама: хочешь перестать любить секс навсегда - займись им на камеру.
хорошо, что на одиночек это правило не распространяется.
п.с. вопрос от модели: "как вы будете орал (90 % запросов имитировать )? "
ждем ответа. пусть проявит фантазию, что ли.
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Chinese eye test.

Bob Jack - Sambuka Porn (Official Video)
Ok, the last one for today. That's one of the famous russian pornostars (at least, that's what they say in internet) and she sings. Sort of. I am looking at her and i do not understand: HOT or NOT? I like the way she looks but something stops me... However, the song is not so bad for some action))
P.S. The video is highly repetitious. There was nothing high professional in the uncensored version as well, but u can see her boobies. Check it out, if u want:
Just a little bit of creativity... (another illustrations for dirty minds)

How fast can you guess these words?
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
The Naked Orphan Annie Joke
2) Buy a large cigar in a metal tube. Discard (or smoke) cigar. Save the tube!
3) roll up the "ha ha ha" paper as required to fit it into the cigar tube. Replace cap tightly on tube.
4) Place cz diamonds into a black cloth satchel. Add a few large steel items into the satchel (steel bolts, or washers). Sew satchel closed with black thread.
5) Sew cloth satchel into interior of a clean pair of underwear.
6) Purchase two fresh oranges. Place them into a brown paper sack.
7) Purchase an airline ticket to any location in the US, which departs within a day.
8) Just prior to your flight. lubricate cigar tube and slide into rectum (as far as possible without causing permanent injury). Also wear the underwear with the diamond satchel. Be sure to bring along the paper sack with the two oranges.
9) As you attempt to pass through security, the metallic objects in the satchel will continually set off the detector. You will be escorted into a room, and forced to undress.
10) The inspector will find the satchel of diamonds and quickly make a phone call. You will suddenly be surrounded by a large number of security. A quick search of your body cavities will produce the cigar tube. (Try to contain your excitement, to avoid being restrained)
11) While the security team is reading you "ha ha ha" note, casually reach over to the table where your oranges have been dumped from your paper sack. hold the oranges up to your eyes and say "Look at me, I am 'little orphan annie'"
12) Laugh, knowing that you have successfully pulled of the rare and elusive "naked orphan annie" joke. Imagine the number of times you will be able to retell this story!
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Thursday, 8 July 2010
A piece of black humour.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Model's bio
Profile description: i want many mens
Category: Girl
What turns me on: all my nice
What turns me off: i dont no
Languages I speak: English
Monday, 5 July 2010
Can a cheap prostitute be a superhero?